Thursday 20 October 2011

Demographics and Psychographics

Demograhpics are audiences that are classified into groups using quantative data (information that can be charted into a graph.) This information is of gender, age, their profession, class and income.
My audience age will fall within the age gap of 15-24 and the gender will be male and females. Their social grade will fall within the 'E' catergory which is casual labourers, unemployed, state pension (13%) This is because hardly any of my target audience will have a job and if they do it will be a part-time job as of most of their time will be spent in college studying.  This will mean I will sell my magazine for around the price range of £1-£1.50, as I think this is a reasonable price for people without alot of money. This will able me to produce a magazine of good quality and still make a small profit from it.
Pschographics is a series of consumer beliefs opinoins and interests. This gathers psychological information which are interests, attitudes and opinoins (IAO variables) Therefore these groups can be classified like personality, values, attitudes, interests or lifestyles.

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