The masthead 'studentz own' features at the top of the magazine, straight accross. There is a barcode placed at the bottom right hand corner but features no price tag. The date and issue number are placed above the barcode also in the bottom right hand corner. The main feature headline is 'First Edition' this is because it is the first headline you read it is placed on the top right hand side of the magazine cover. The first subtitle is 'Dress For Success' on the left hand side of the magazine cover. The image on the magazine is a medium close up of a college girl. This is the main image you focus on because it is big and also the only image that feautures on the magazine cover. It is a medium close up so you can see the type of clothes she is wearing, what she is carrying, her body language and facial expression. The font on the magazine cover is sans serif to fit the style of the magazine of it been a fun,young magazine. The colours on this magazine are very basic, the background is just a plain blue colour and not an image relating to the front image. The text colours are white and different shades of the blue. The colours used aren't very a good choice for a magazine front cover. There is no graphics on this magazine cover. The skyline of the magazine is placed on the top of the magazine cover below the title, on this case it is the colleges website. The kicker is on the right hand side of the magazine 'more inside' speaking of a subject which features in the magazine.
L: the language used in the magazine are media conventions such as the masthead, medium close up, headlines and subheadlines. These are so we know what type of audience the magazine is aiming for.
I: This magazine has been created for students who attend this college as it has only articles inside that will relate to them. It is for students who are interested in what is happening in their collge and what they can get out of the college.
I: The magazine is used to promote things that the college students can get from attending. These are stated on the front cover of the magazine. Its aim is to do this in a fun way to make the students feel like they are gaining something.
A: The audience the magazine is aiming to attract are students from the college and possibly tutors or visitors to the college so they can all see what is happening at the college and the latest news realating to the college. As of the target audience not been a big rang of people, the magazine would therefore only be sold locally and most likely at that college only.
R: The representation of the magazine is that the college is a good place to be as of the magazine only having one image, this girl is the only image representation. She is holding books and wearing a tag around her neck which make her look professional and possibly hardworking.
L: the language used in the magazine are media conventions such as the masthead, medium close up, headlines and subheadlines. These are so we know what type of audience the magazine is aiming for.
I: This magazine has been created for students who attend this college as it has only articles inside that will relate to them. It is for students who are interested in what is happening in their collge and what they can get out of the college.
I: The magazine is used to promote things that the college students can get from attending. These are stated on the front cover of the magazine. Its aim is to do this in a fun way to make the students feel like they are gaining something.
A: The audience the magazine is aiming to attract are students from the college and possibly tutors or visitors to the college so they can all see what is happening at the college and the latest news realating to the college. As of the target audience not been a big rang of people, the magazine would therefore only be sold locally and most likely at that college only.
R: The representation of the magazine is that the college is a good place to be as of the magazine only having one image, this girl is the only image representation. She is holding books and wearing a tag around her neck which make her look professional and possibly hardworking.
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