Wednesday 7 December 2011

6) Pricing of my Magazine.

The price of my pop music magazine would be above £2.00 but below £4.00. The reason for this is it would be priced at more than £2.00 because the magazine company and publication company would not make a profit. The reason for been below £4.00 is that the target audience for my pop music magazine are young teenagers and university students and will not have a full time job or alot of money to spend. Also there is a shortage in jobs because the economy isn’t doing so well, not everyone can afford to spend an excessive amount on something that isn't an essential in there lifes but more a luxuary at an affordable price. I want my magazine to be published Monthly because average music magazine produce their issues monthly as you can sell the magazine at a higher charge as well as being able to atain more in the magazine. The average music magazine often charge around £2-£5. ‘Q’ Music magazine charges £3.99 and is published monthly as it is quite expensive.

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