Thursday 17 November 2011

Front Page Conventions 'seventeen'

The language used in the magazine cover are media conventions. The ones used in this magazine cover are: magazine date line and issue price, a barcode for shop use, a main cover image, puffs to promote competitions and freebies within the magazine, splashes to help promote a happening in the magazine using graphics, a strapline which describes the main image, a main headline matching the main cover image, skyline that promotes features in the magazine, a masthead and different headlines. I have pointed each of these out in the image above. The language on the magazine cover as it helps attract the right audience for the magazine. The ideology is who the magazine has been created for. This magazine has been created for teenage girls and young women because of the types of articles it features. It is also for people who are interested in 'pop' music and what the latest news and gossip is within the pop world. It advertises 'pop' music by using a very famous pop artist Beyonce as the main cover image. The magazine institution is used to promote things that are happening within the magazine and what the audience can gain from buying this magazine.  Some of these are stated on the front cover to promote them more so the buyer can see what they could/can gain from buying this magazine. It does this by using puffs and splashes with graphics that grab the readers attention. The audience that the magazine is aiming to attract is female teenagers and young female adults, it is a very female aided magazine. It will also attract people who like the music genre 'pop' Most of the articles on the front of the magazine are aimed at young female audience, such as fashion articles and 'free perfume' which the magazine knows will attract the audience its looking for. As the target audience is quite a large quaunity the magazine would be sold across the country and in nationwide stores such as supermarkets aswell as local smaller newspaper stores. The representation of the magazine is  of 'Beyonce' she represents the whole magazine because she dominates the front cover. The way she is posing, looks and is dressed also represents the magazine because it shows the type of people they must interview, like and want to be on their magazine as well as what the type of things the magazine will include. Beyonce represents the magazine as happy, confident and a good place to be, she looks happy to be there and is dressed in a pink top which also represents that the magazine is aimed at a young female audience and the colour of her top fits in with the colour scheme of the magazine and bright colours which are mainly pinks and oranges, summery happy colours.  

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