Thursday 3 November 2011

Promoting My Magazine

 For my college magazine to sell, it firstly needs promoting. To do this I will need several plans of promoting ways to enable my magazine gets full coverage to all students. 
They are many ways I would be able to promote my college magazine being:
- Sending an email to all tutors and students who attend Wyke college through the Wyke emailing system. In this email I would have a brief explanation about the magazine and advertising it to the students. I would attach an image of the magazine front cover, so they would be aware of what the magazine looks like, I would also inform them on the price and where the magazine is available to buy.
- I would let all tutors know about the magazine by either a notice in the staff room or an email again to each tutor, I would then ask them to let all their students in their tutor group informed about the magazine.
- An advert or page on the college official college website advertising the magazine. This would be great promotion for students who are not at Wyke too, such as ones that are visiting the site and are thinking of joining Wyke or choosing Wyke as there college to come to next year. Seeing the magazine on the website might intrigue them to buy it and find out more about the college.
  Adding to my idea of promoting the college magazine on the website, I could also create a website for the magazine itself. They could be a link from the college website to the college magazine website. Each magazine cover issue would feature on here along with its hottest headlines within that issue. This would be a good idea because the magazine is aimed at students who are young and spend the majority of their time online and on social networking sites. It would be easy for them to access and find out any information they wanted or needed to know.

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