Wednesday 16 November 2011

Front Page Conventions 'Sugar'

 The language used in the magazine are media conventions. The ones used in this magazine cover are: Coverlines helping promote articles within the magazine, smaller images showing what they can see inside the magazine aswell as the main image, a main large cover image who the main article in the magazine will be about, main feature headline relating to the main cover image, a barcode for the magazine to be bought in shops, date-price and website address so you are able to visit the magazine website, a masthead so you know what the magazine is called, a skyline to help promote what is inside the magazine, splashes graphics help promoting things within the magazine, teaser line making the readers want to read on, and cover lines promoting articles inside.  You can see each of these which I have shown and wrote about in the image above. These are so we know what type of audience the magazine is aiming for. This magazine  ideology is that of who the magazine has been created for. This magazine has been created for teenagers.This is because the articles feautred on the cover are ones like 'teen shocks secrets' this imdiatly tells you that teenagers will be buying this magazine because the articles they can relate too.  It is also created for teenagers who are interested in the hot 'pop' gossip and latest syles. The magazine instution is used to promote things that audience (teenagers) can gain or get from buying the magazine. These are stated on the front cover within splashes and puffs to help promote the free or 'must haves' that you can get or find out from purchasing the magazine. Its aim is to do this in a fun 'popular' way to make the students feel like they are gaining something from this purchase. The audience the magazine is aiming for are teenagers and young girls. The magazine is a magazine aimed at females. It is aimed at mainly females because of the types of subjects it promotes within the magazine and on the cover. Young adults (again female) may also buy this magazine because they are interested in 'pop' music aswell as fashion. The magazine promotes 'pop' music to that genre audience by using pop artist Taylor Swift as the main front cover image. As the target audience is a reasonable large amount, the magazine would be sold accross the countrys and in nationwide stores such as supermarkets and local nationwide stores.  The representation is of 'Taylor Swift' and that she is seen as a 'sexy' and 'confident' women/singer/celebrity seen on her facial expressions. The way that she portrates herself in the image also portrates onto what the magazine must be like. The representation is also given off that the magazine is for females because of the images and headlines used. The colour scheme also adds to this effect.

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